Merge API general usage

What are the API urls and how to use them

In order to use the Merge API, you'll need an API Key, so please speak with support in order to be assigned one.

The API Key should be added to every request as a header:

X-API-KEY  your-assigned-key

The Merge API will need first a template uploaded in order for a merge to be triggered.

The main URL for the API is: Staging URL

This is not the final URL and it will change.



  • GET: gets all uploaded templates
    • Parameters: none
    • Returns: a list of all templates and ids
  • POST: Uploads a new template
    • Parameters:
      • body parameter named Template of type File
    • Returns:  the template id

  • DELETE: Deletes a template
    • Parameters:
      • query string ID of the template  



  • POST: Triggers a Merge using the specified Template and Data
    • Parameters: 
      • body parameter named MergeData of type File - this should point to the data file (XML, XLSX, etc) 
      • body parameter named MergeTemplateId of type Text - this should be the ID of the template
    • Returns: Merge operation result