What is a Digital Reply Envelope (DRE)?

A Digital Reply Envelope (DRE) is our digital version of a business reply envelope.

How does it work?

  1. Upload your items to a Postbox with Digital Reply Envelope enabled
  2. A reply envelope will be inserted with each letter
  3. Reply envelopes are returned to Postworks and will be scanned into Postworks portal the same day
  4. You can view the digital replies on the Postworks portal, within Receive

Why are DREs useful?

  • Recipients can reply via post and you don't have to deal with opening the replies
  • Completely digitise sending and receiving your post
  • Original documents can be requested on Postworks portal anytime so you'll never miss an important wet signature
  • It's going to save you lots and time and money!


What happens to the physical copy after the DRE item is uploaded to Postworks portal?

  • The item is securely archived for 60 days, giving you plenty of time to request the original copy
  • After 60 days the original copy is securely destroyed


How much does it cost?

See our Detailed pricing section here.

Want to add DREs to your post?

Take a look at how to enable DREs here.


Got some questions? Chat with us on Support or arrange a callback via email.